(symbol) Magazine

September 29, 2011

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SYMBOL Magazine is an independent luxury real estate and lifestyle magazine spread across a variety of mediums. Predominantly we are a printed direct mail magazine but are in the process of building on our digital magazine, video channels and social media.

The Original Text
By Dimitrns O. Arvanitns
Every art director and graphic designer in the world should kiss his ass: this was the comment-honor of George Lois, the old art director of Esquire magazine, for the legendary graphic designer. Dimitrns O. Arvanitns could not agree more.

PAUL RAND SERVED a pioneering figure in American graphic design. Born in Brooklyn in 1914, he remained loyal to his neighbor until his death in 1996. He studied at the Pratt Institute and the Parsons School of Design, collected dozens of titles and distinctions, and left with well-known acclaim. Genius and pioneering, he approached design from the point of view of problem solving and introduced the ideas of European avant-garde art movements (Cubism, Construcuvism, De Stjil) into the realm of visual communication, thus composing his personal graphic language. He was one of the most important designers in history and not only influenced his colleagues, but mainly changed the landscape of graphic design and visual communication. If I were asked to describe him in a single word, I would call him . In my opinion, Paul Rand was the first to introduce the element of art into visual communication and to carry out programs and advertising campaigns by rejecting commercials, cliché.

For seven decades he dominated the arts as artistic director - at the age of 23 he took over the position of art director of Esquire Magazine, a teacher, writer and communication consultant for large companies. An enthusiastic and devoted crowd of admirers of his work followed him every step of the way. Nevertheless, many Greek writers do not know him. But they know some of the well-known brands he designed for IBM, Westinghouse, ABC. After all, what does it matter if one knows that he is the creator of the famous IBM rebus. Does it matter that no one even knows that the other awesome I &heart; NY comps were designed by the maximum Milton Glaser?

What impresses Paul Rand in his work is his ease of summarizing the expression of an idea, the determination with which you removed the unnecessary, the shiny gold, and the dualism of his design. He introduced and imposed innovative elements on a market that rested on stereotypes. With a magical sense of humor, he managed to impose corporate identity colossus with the logos they created for them. IBM, UPS, Westinghouse, ABC. He was born a pope. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest American artists. Magazines such as Apparel Arts (1939-41) and Direction (1939-45) designed are a reference point and anatomy lesson of design. He designed everything and has not been the creative director for thirty years one of the with - New York’s Best Advertising Companies, Second Man, Caligula and 3 Other Plays and the well-known book by HL Mencken, Prejudices: A Selection. It is impossible to list the work of the great designer. Each text would appear as a long list. It would be even harder to single out some of Paul Rand’s work. It would not be easy to choose the best. Paul Rand will never back down.

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September 29, 2011

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