Suggested Readings

General Art Theory and Philosophy

The Use and Abuse of Art— Jacques Barzun

Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism
Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present— Monroe C. Beardsley

The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages— Harold Bloom

A History of Aesthetic— Bernard Bosanquet

Philosophies of Beauty— E.F. Carritt

The Principles of Art— R.G. Collingwood

A Companion to Aesthetics— David Cooper

Aesthetic.— Benedetto Croce

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix— Eugene Delacroix

Art as Experience— John Dewey

A Dictionary of Philosophy— Anthony Flew

Vision and Design— Roger Fry

The Philosophy of Art— Giovanni Gentile

Painting and Reality— Etienne Gilson

Language of Art— Nelson Goodman

System and Dialects of Art— John D. Graham

The Art and the Art of Criticism— Theodore M. Greene

Form and Function: Remarks on Art— Horatio Greenough

Art in Theory— P. Wood/C. Harrison

The Philosophy of Fine Arts— G.W.F. Hegel

Das Problem Der Form— Adolf Hildebrand

Introductory Readings in Aesthetics— John Hospers

Decline of the New

The Idea of the Modern in Literature and the Arts— Irving Howe

Homo Ludens— Johan Huizinga

Guide to Philosophy— Cyril E. Joad

Art and Freedom— Horace Kallen

Studies in Ancient American and European Art— George Kubler

Problems of Art: Ten Philosophical Lectures— Susanne Langer

Museum Without Walls
The Voices of Silence— Andre Malraux

The Meaning of Meaning— I.A. Richards/C. Ogden

The Meaning in Visual Arts— Erwin Panofsky

The Demands of Art— Max Raphael

Principle of Literary Criticism— I.A. Richards

The De-definition of Art— Harold Rosenberg

Theory and Philosophy of Art— Meyer Schapiro

Against the Interpretation and Other Essays— Susan Sontag

The Art of Thought— Graham Wallas

Axel’s Castle— Edmund Wilson

The Art of the Italian Renaissance
Principles of Art History
Renaissance and Baroque
The Sense of Form in Art— Heinrich Wolfflin

Abstraction and Empathy— Wilhelm Worringer

The Essential Kant— Arnulf Zweig

Modern Art History and Movements

Apollinaire on Art: Essays and Reviews — G. Apollinaire

Futurist Manifestos — Umbro Apollonio

Cubism and Abstract Art — Alfred Barr

The Mirror of Art — Charles Baudelaire

Art — Clive Bell

Modernism, 1890-1930 — J. McFarlance/M. Bradbury

Theories of Modern Art — H.B. Chipp

The Cubist Epoch — Douglas Cooper

Modern Art and Modernism — C. Harrison/F. Frascina

This is Not a Pipe — Michel Foucault

Progress in Art — Suzi Gablik

Visions of the Modern — John Golding

The Great Experiment: Russian Art — Camilla Gray

19th and 20th Century Art — George H. Hamilton

The Social History of Art — Arnold Hauser

Modern Artists on Art — Robert L. Herbert

De Stijl: 1917-1931 — Hans L.C. Jaffe

Modern Art and the Object — Ellen H. Johnson

Modern Times — Paul Johnson

The Dada Painters and Poets — F. Marc/W. Kandinsky

Dadaism and Futurism — Max Kozloff

The Symbolist Aesthetic in France. 1885-1895. — A.G. Lehmann

Ulm Design: The Morality of Objects — Herbert Lindinger

Wallace Stevens and Modern Art — Glen McLeod

The Dada Painters and Poets — Robert Motherwell

Foundations of Modern Art — Amedee Ozenfant

The History of Impressionism
Post Impressionism — John Rewald

Concepts of Modern Art — N. Stagnos/A. Richardson

A History of the Modern Movement — Kurt Rowland

Modern Art, 19th and 20th Century
Nature of Abstract Art — Meyer Schapiro

Wiener Werkstaette, Design in Vienna — J. Werner Schweiger

The Banquet Years — Roger Shattuck

Skyscraper Primitives — Dickran Tashjian

Art After Modernism — Brian Wallis

The Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago — Hans M. Wingler

Typography and Design

William Caslon: 1693-1766 — Johnson Ball

Postscripts on Dwiggins. Essays and Recollections — Paul A. Bennett

Line and Form — Walter Crane

Visual Language — P. Thompson/P. Davenport

Practice of Typography: Correct Composition — Theodore De Vinne

Layout in Advertising — William A. Dwiggins

Typographie — Ottl Eicher

The New Graphic Design — M. Kutter/K. Gersner

An Essay on Typography — Eric Gill

Graphic Design — Milton Glaser

Seymour Chwast, The Left Handed Designer — Steven Heller

Graphic Design Manual — Armin Hofmann

American Alphabets — Paul Hollister

The Printer’s Terms — Rudolf Hostettler

Graphic Design — Werner Jeker

Writing and Illuminating and Lettering — Edward Johnston

The Art of the Poster — E. McKnight Kauffer

The Place, the Times and the Point — Uwe Loesch

The Art of Advertising — George Lois

Eric Gill
William Morris — Fiona MacCarthy

Typographers on Type — Ruari McLean

The Function of Esthetic Research — Enzo Mari

A History of Graphic Design — Philip Meggs

Graphic Design, Mendell & Oberer — Pierre Mendell

Letterforms. Typography and Scriptorial
On Type Design: Past and Present — Stanley Morrison

A.M. Cassandre — Henri Mouron

The Graphic Designer and His Design Problems — Joseph Muller-Brockman

Graphic Design — R. Tissi/S. Odermatt

Max Huber — Carlo Pirovano

Images sans Paroles — Gunther Rambow

Advertisement: Ad Vivum, Ad Hominum? — Paul Rand

Die Kunst der Typographie — Paul Renner

A Theory of Pure Design — Denman W. Ross

Typography — Emil Ruder

Basic Typography: Design with Letters — Ruedi Ruegg

Visuelle Kommunication: Ein Design-Handbuch — Anton Stankowski

Bruno Munari: Design as Art — Aldo Tanchis

Designing Books
The New Typography
Treasury of Alphabets and Lettering — Jan Tschichold

Printing Types — Daniel B. Updike

Design — Massimo Vignelli

Typographer and Designer — Wolfgang Weignart

Henryk Tomaszewski — Stanislaw Wieczorek

Ein Areitsbericht — Hermann Zapf

General, Sociology

Flatland. A Romance of Many Dimensions — Edwin A. Abbott

Art and Visual Perception
Entropy & Art
New Essays on the Psychology of Art
The Power of the Center
Toward a Psychology of Art
Visual Thinking — Rudolf Arnheim

The Art in Painting — Albert C. Barnes

Begin Here
A Stroll with William James — Jacques Barzun

Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism — Daniel Bell

Aspects of Language — D.A. Sears/ D. Bolinger

The Beautiful Necessity — Claude Bragdon

All Consuming Images — Stuart Ewen

Objects of Desire: Design and Society — Adrian Forty

Eye and Brain: The Psychology of Seeing

The Intelligent Eye — Richard L. Gregory

On Looking into the Abyss — Gertrude Himmelfarb

Culture of Complaint
Nothing if Not Critical — Robert Hughes

The Painter’s Eye — Henry James

Pragmatism and the Meaning of Truth — William James

Tenured Radicals — Roger Kimball

Gestalt Psychology — Franz Koffka

Beer Can by the Highway
Made in America — John A. Kouwenhoven

The Age of the Avant-Garde — Hilton Kramer

Signs of the Times — David Lehman

The Age of Missing Information — Bill McKibben

The Book of Tea — Kakuzo Okakura

The Evolution of Useful Things

The Pencil — Henry Petroski

Amusing Ourselves to Death
The Disappearance of Childhood
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology — Neil Postman

Design for Escape — I.A. Richards

246 Little Clouds — Dieter Roth

Readings in Art History — Harold Spencer

Elements of Style — E.B. White/W. Jr. Strunk

Productive Thinking — Max Wertheimer

Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism
Born Under Saturn
The Divine Michelangelo
Gothic Versus Classic
Idea and Image: Studies in Italian Renaissance
Palladino and Palladionism — Rudolf Wittkower

On Writing Well — William Zinsser

Art Biographies and Monographs

The Art of Cezanne — Karl Badt

Theo Van Doesburg — Joost Baljeu

Le Corbusier: Oeuvre Complete — W. Boesiger

Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp — Pierre Cabanne

Dubuffet — Andreas Franzke

Cezanne: A Study of His Development — Roger Fry

Magritte — Suzi Gablik

Life with Picasso — C. Lake/ F. Gilot

Brodovitch — Andy Grundberg

Gauguin — Rene Huyghe

Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture — Charles Jencks

Juan Gris — Daniel Kahnweiler

Point and Line to Plane — Wassily Kandinsky

The Paul Klee Notebooks, Vol 2: The Nature of Nature — Paul Klee

Functions of Painting — Fernand Leger

El Lissitzky — Sophie Lissitzky-Kuppers

Cezanne’s Compositions — Erle Loren

William Morris — Fiona MacCarthy

Essays on Art, 3 vols.
The Non-Objective World — Kasimir Malevich

Select Writings — Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

A Throw of the Dice: Life of Stephane Mallarme — Gordon Millan

Degas, The Artist’s Mind — Theodore Reff

Cezanne: A Biography
Cezanne Letters — John Rewald

Picasso in the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art — William Rubin

Kurt Schwitters — Werner Schmalenbach

Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography — Franz Schulze

Mondrian — Michel Seuphor

Max Ernst, Loplop — Werner Spies

William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary — Edward P. Thompson

Magritte: Ideas and Images — Harry Torczyner

Principles of Neo-Plastic Art — Theodore Van Doesburg

Van Gogh Letters — Vincent Van Gogh

Giorgio Morandi — Lamberto Vitali

John Dewey and American Democracy — Robert B. Westbrook

The Masterpiece — Emile Zola


Notes on the Synthesis of Form — Christopher Alexander

The Dynamics of Architectural Form — Rudolf Arnheim

Adolf Loos: Theory and Works — Benedetto Gravagnuolo

The City of Tomorrow and Its Planning
The Modulor 1 and Modulor 2
Towards a New Architecture — Le Corbusier

Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings — Edward S. Morse

Katsura, A Princely Retreat — Akira Naito

Shaker Built — J. Sprigg/P. Rocheleau

Houses and People of Japan — Bruno Taut

General Art Theory and Philosophy

Theory and Design in the First Machine Age — R. Banham

Space, Time, and Architecture — Sigfried Giedion

The Image and the Eye
In Search of Cultural History
Meditations on a Hobby Horse
The Sense of Order
Tributes: Interpreters of Our Cultural Tradition — E.H. Gombrich

The Language of Vision — Gyorgy Kepes

Art: The Revealing Experience — Kurt Kranz

The New Vision
Vision in Motion — Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Technics and Civilization — Lewis Mumford

Design for the Real World — Victor Papanek

Geometry and Design

The Painter’s Geometry — Charles Bouleau

The Golden Number — Miloutine Borissavlievitch

Space in Medieval Painting — Miriam Schild Bunim

The Geometry of Art and Life — Matela Ghyka

Art & Geometry — William M. Ivins

The Theory of Proportion in Architecture — P.H. Scholfield

The Ten Books on Architecture — Vitruvius

Symmetry — Herman Weyl

Systems of Proportion — Rudolf Wittkower


Film as Art — Rudolf Arnheim

Film Essays
Film Form: Essays in Film Theory
The Film Sense — Sergei Eisenstein