Interview with a Portfolio Center Student

Atlanta, GA, 1995

View the Original InterviewInterview with a Portfolio Center Student

This interview, conducted via fax, is a fun example of Rand’s pure modernism—his short, witty answers to probing questions.
Originally faxed October 26, 1995

The Original Text

Q: How did you become a designer (more specifically on your path to becoming a designer what happened that you might consider unusual, out of the norm, that has had an influence on how you design today)?

A: An act of God.

Q: How do you define graphic design today?

A: The realization of a visual idea.

Q: What might you suggest to a young designer just beginning a career, or one who is still in school, soon to be starting out?

A: Work hard and read about aesthetics.

Q: Tell me who are you influences coming into this business. Also, are they still mentors or influences?

A: Everybody.

Q: If you could read your obituary in some future time, what do you think it might say? What do you want it to say?


Q: Did you have any art school training?

A: Yes.

Q: How has your work changed since you began?

A: Very little.

Q: What do you think of the influence of electronic technologies?

A: None.

Q: What’s your favorite ice cream?

A: Chocolate.

Q: If you were to start all over again today, is there anything you’d do differently?

A: No.

Q: What did you always want to be when you grew up?

A: An artist.

Q: What is your favorite hobby?

A: Work.

Q: What’s a project you would absolutely love to do? Are you working on any special projects right now?

A: Nothing special. Yes.

Q: What would you want from me if I came to you looking for a job?

A: To be truthful and helpful.

Q: Where do you turn for your inspiration? (outside of design)

A: Life.

Q: Who or what have you learned the most from in your life?

A: Too many to enumerate.

Q: What is the difference between art and design? What do you see as the difference the practice of graphic designer and the art director?

A: No difference. The graphic designer does the work.

Q: What do you think of the “new revolution” in type design, or do you think it is even revolutionary?

A: Nothing.

Q: If you had to pick one alphabet to use for the rest of your career, what would it be? Why?

A: Janson/Because it’s great!

Q: In looking forward, what would you do that you possibly haven’t done?

A: Nothing.

PR/Del 26,95

The Original Interview

Interview with a Portfolio Center StudentZoom