Fiddler of Yankee Feeling

Idea Magazine
Special Issue: 30 Influential Designers of the Century, 1984

View the Original ArticleFiddler of Yankee Feeling

Including: Will Burtin, Eric Gill, Takashi Kono, Hiroschi Ochi, Paul Rand, Ladislav Sutnar, Jan Tschichold and many more with a calendar of designer’s historical milestones and an extensive introduction by the editor.

The Original Text

Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1914. Studied at Pratt Institute, Parsons School of Design and Art Student League. Only at 23, was scouted as AD of Esquire. Also technical consultant to IBM, Westinghouse and other corporations. Yale University lecturer, member of the Royal Society of Arts, London, honorary lecturer at Tame Art College, a member of Visiting Committees of Philadelphia College of Art, Carnegie Mellon University and Pratt Institute. Received many awards from American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York Art Directors Club and other organizations. His trademarks for IBM and Westinghouse were awarded in Trademarks/USA competition. His fabric design was awarded in the Good Design Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. His books on design include Thoughts on Design, The Trademarks of Paul Rand, Design and the Play Instinct, etc. Also active as an illustrator for children’s books. Accepted in the Hall of Fame of New York Art Directors Club in 1972, Royal Designer for Industry (Hon), London in 1973. Honorary lecturer of Philadelphia College of Art in 1979.

A born American to the core from New York. Has always been active as the greatest authority in American graphic world up to the present day. Is a living history of American design. Very special existence beyond words. A thoroughbred of American design while many of the designers are of different nationality in USA. His character cultured in American pragmatism and his personality developed in the open and carefree atmosphere of national trait, are evidences enough to prove him as a founding father of American design. Urbane brightness, humour, wit and simplicity in his works express the American dream of US industrialized society which then led the world economy. They also play a role in the history of American culture and tradition. His art and philosophy of design based on the usefulness of trademarks and establishment of corporate design policy are another of his achievements which is still widely used now.

The Original Article

Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling
Fiddler of Yankee Feeling

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Published In

Idea Magazine

Special Issue: 30 Influential Designers of the Century, 1984
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