Listen! Listen!

Harcourt, Brace & World, 1970
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Listen! Listen!
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Listen! Listen!
Listen! Listen!

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Listen…if you’re very quiet, you can hear the sound of the breeze whispering in the trees. Listen, and you can hear the tiny plop of a raindrop, the whop of a ball hitting the fence, or even the crunch, crunch of buttered toast. You can listen to the scary sounds, too, the wail of a siren in the night or the moan of trees when a storm is coming. Best of all are the sounds of morning, when the world is waking up.

With the freshness of a child responding to the world around him, Ann Rand records a variety of sounds in perspective, rhythmic prose. Paul Rand, internationally known graphic artist and designer, has made highly imaginative pictures that highlight every aspect of the text. Like the Rands’ earlier “I Know a Lot of Things”, “Sparkle and Spin”, and “Little 1”, this is a delight to eye and ear, an outstanding book filled with the joy of life that will bring endless pleasure to small children and their elders, while they look and listen.

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