Articles by Paul Rand
Too Many Cooks 1947
Originally published in “Art & Industry”
Black in the Visual Arts 1949
Originally published in “Graphic Forms: The Arts as Related to the Book”, Harvard University Press.
Posters 1952
Originally published in “Posters: Fifty artists and designers analyze their approach, their methods, and their solutions to poster design and poster advertising”.
P-O-S devices and advertising linked together by a symbol 1952
Originally published in “Design for Point of Sale” by Ladislav Sutnar.
Gene & Helen Federico 1952
Originally published in Graphis 43, 1952.
Modern Typography in the Modern World 1952
Originally published Typographica 5
The Trademark as an Illustrative Device 1952
Originally published in “Seven Designers Look At Trademark Design”.
Ideas About Ideas 1955
Originally published in “Industrial Design Magazine”.
Advertisement: Ad Vivum or Ad Hominem? 1960
By Paul and Ann Rand, originally published in a special issue of “Daedalus: The Visual Arts Today”.
The Art of the Package 1960
Originally published in PRINT: January/February, 1960.
Design and the Play Instinct 1965
Originally published in “Education of Vision”.
Trademarks and Symbols of the World Preface 1965
Originally published in “Trademarks of the World”.
Integrity and Invention 1971
Graphis Magazine introduction.
Hans Schleger 1977
A touching tribute to design legend Hans Schleger.
On the RCA Ad 1981
Originally published in “The Design Concept”.
The Politics of Design 1985
Originally published in “A Designer’s Art”.
Observations on Intuition 1987
Originally published in the “STA Design Journal”.
The Case for the Ampersand 1989
A critical review of Eric Gill’s “An Essay on Typography”.
Logos, Flags, and Escutcheons 1991
AIGA article by Paul Rand.
Visual Identity in New York: Best of American Corporate Identity Design 1991
Edited by Koichiro Inagaki
Confusion and Chaos: The Seduction of Contemporary Graphic Design 1992
Originally published in the AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Volume 10, Number 1, 1992.
Object Lessons 1993
Originally published in The New Criterion.
Failure by Design 1993
Originally published in the New York Times.
Language of Art 1996
An addendum article to Lascaux to Brooklyn. Contributed by John Maeda.