Monell Chemical Senses Center



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Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet
Monell Chemical Senses Center   |   Logo Presentation Booklet

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A Logo for Monell Chemical Senses Center:

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Senses such as taste and smell are difficult, if not impossible, to illustrate. They are invisible. Schematic indications such as sound waves or conventionalized smoke trails are as near as one can get to illustrate these concepts.

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Some of these ideas, as well as devices to accommodate the initials MCSC, are illustrated here.

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Monell Chemical Senses CenterZoom

The employment of a human profile has certain advantages over abstract, non-representational images. The profile brings to mind an idea that been used in the past; but more significantly, it makes the initial letter “M”, with which it is now structurally joined, more interesting, more meaningful, and more memorable than would either one of these images be by itself.

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Monell Chemical Senses CenterZoom

The face, which literally divides the letter “M”, is not only a formal device, but it actually helps to dramatize the idea of two functions—taste and smell.

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Monell Chemical Senses CenterZoom

Here are some applications:

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Monell Chemical Senses CenterZoom
Monell Chemical Senses CenterZoom
Monell Chemical Senses CenterZoom

Paul Rand June 1990

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