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Graphic Design Guide

IBM   |   Graphic Design GuideZoom
1984-87, 81 Images

Between the sixties and the eighties a significant group of graphic rules and uses was documented and regularly updated in a folder that was organised into sections. Inside we can find the instructions that allow us to reproduce the logotype, graphic and typographic rules, designs for internal and external documents, signage and architectural applications. This document allows one to work with the company's graphic signs in coherence and efficient discussion with other trades.

Today this folder is an iconic, rare and little documented object and it seems important to us to render it accessible and distributable, to Graphic designers, students and anyone interested in the adventure undertaken by this emblematic company.

The successive documents from the folder and their developments will be published and reproduced so as to offer the widest possible vision of the work accomplished over a period of more than twenty years. This work will be done in collaboration with the archive team from IBM New York, and the Kandinsky Library of the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris.

IBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design GuideIBM   |   Graphic Design Guide



Group Collections

IBM   |   Ribbons and Typewriter HeadsIBM   |   Ribbons and Typewriter HeadsIBM   |   Ribbons and Typewriter Heads


IBM   |   Single BatteryIBM   |   Single BatteryIBM   |   Single BatteryIBM   |   Single BatteryIBM   |   Single BatteryIBM   |   Single BatteryIBM   |   Single Battery

Carbon Paper

IBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   Carbon Paper with Black BackgroundIBM   |   White Background, Outlined LettersIBM   |   White Background, Outlined LettersIBM   |   White Background, Outlined LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid LettersIBM   |   White Background, Solid Letters

Paper Cassettes

Current Software

Data Cartridges

Data Processing


Executary Supplies

Index Pads

Ink Cartridges


IBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   3” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” MagnabeltIBM   |   4” Magnabelt

Magnetic Cards

IBM   |   Magnetic CardsIBM   |   Magnetic CardsIBM   |   Magnetic CardsIBM   |   Magnetic Cards

Magnetic Disc

Micro-Processing Cards

Optical Disk


Electrographic Mark Sensing Pencils and Leads

IBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and Blue Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: LeadsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Black and White Package: PencilsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: LeadsIBM   |   Blue Package: Leads




IBM   |   6 RibbonsIBM   |   6 RibbonsIBM   |   463 RibbonIBM   |   3121 RibbonIBM   |   3121 RibbonIBM   |   3121 RibbonIBM   |   3121 Ribbon, v2IBM   |   3121 Ribbon, v2IBM   |   Carbon Ribbon CartridgeIBM   |   Carbon Ribbon CartridgeIBM   |   Carbon Ribbon CartridgeIBM   |   Carbon Ribbon CartridgeIBM   |   Carbon Ribbon CartridgeIBM   |   Carbon Ribbon CartridgeIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Cartridge Film RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Composer RibbonIBM   |   Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   Easystrike Fabric RibbonIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, script versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, sans serif versionIBM   |   Film Ribbon, Pink BoxIBM   |   Film Ribbon, Pink BoxIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   High Yield Correctable Film RibbonIBM   |   Quiet Correcting RibbonIBM   |   RibbonIBM   |   RibbonIBM   |   RibbonIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Blue and Gray BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Selectric Ribbon Cartridges, v2IBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Superior Nylon RibbonIBM   |   Tech III RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter RibbonIBM   |   Typewriter Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Typewriter Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Typewriter Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Typewriter Ribbon, Pink and Black BoxIBM   |   Typewriter Ribbon, Pink and Black Box

Selectric Composer Box

Supply Kits

IBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, StripedIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, ConfettiIBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2IBM   |   Supply Kit, Flowers, v2



IBM   |   Toner Box, Back

Typewriter Ball

IBM   |   Typewriter BallIBM   |   Typewriter BallIBM   |   Typewriter BallIBM   |   Typewriter BallIBM   |   Typewriter Ball

Personal Typewriter Badge


IBM   |   What is a Computer?IBM   |   What is a Computer?IBM   |   What is a Computer?IBM   |   What is a Computer?IBM   |   What is a Computer?

The Rebus

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