Paul Rand: The Imperishable Champion1985
An interview and review of “Paul Rand: A Designer’s Art”
Artograph #61988
An extensive interview by Viriginia Smith
ID Magazine1988
Logos, Technique and Trends
Paul Rand interview by Steven Heller1988
Originally published in “Graphic Design In America: A Visual Language History”.
Type Talks interview1988
A conversation about type with Paul Rand and Mario Rampone.
Champion Papers Kromekote 2000 Childhood Fantasies1991
Rand discusses what profession he’d pursue if it wasn’t graphic design.
Logos to Go1993
Conversations with Steve Kemper
Paul Rand: A Profile1993
Janet Abrams talks with Rand about his life as a designer.
Paul Rand on Creativity1994
Ce Ce Landoli interviews Rand for this special issue on creativity.
Interview with a Portfolio Center Student1995
A witty interview conducted via fax.
Paul Rand on the Play Instinct1998
Steven Heller interview Paul Rand about ‘Play’ and its role in design. Originally published in Design Dialogues.
Interview excerpt from Rand’s final interview at the MIT Media Laboratory2000
Interview excerpt from Rand’s final interview at the MIT Media Laboratory